Overall I am not particularly happy with the outcomes of filming today. I decided to use the acetate over the camera lens whilst filming, however like with the test shots the majority of the footage appeared grainy. Any good footage that isn't particularly grainy, I shall be using in my final cut, however I shall not be using the acetate in front of the camera lens again. I also found that I wasn't used enough lighting. When filming with the strobe light, that was the only lighting I used. I found that this only lit half of the actors face which wasn't the effect that I was going for. This was also caused by the position of the the strobe light. Whilst I still plan on using the strobe lighting, I am going to need to change the location of it so that it covers the whole of the actors face. I shall also be leaving the studio lights on whilst filming with the strobe light next time, however I shall adjust them slightly.
Below are some stills from the footage that I got today . They show what I mentioned above.

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