Friday 4 November 2016

3/11/16 FOOTAGE

I have started to look through the final footage of filming with Jonathan on November 3rd. I think that this was the most successful day of filming with this actor, because I had figured out what did and didn't work. I also had corrected the previous issue that I had experienced with the lighting and the strobe light. Therefore I am happy with the footage that was recorded that day. I have made a compilation of all of the footage that I think I could potentially use for my music video and I have put the clip name and the time frame so that I can easily reference it when it comes to editing my final music video.

I have also done the same compilation of the footage that I deemed unusable. Because this day of filming went much smoother than previous days, I found that there was less footage that was completely unusable. There is one clip with the guitar, where I tried to use the acetate over the camera lens again. However because of the lighting change it just caused glare on the paper which ruined the footage; therefore making it unusable. I also had a slight issue with focusing the camera, however therefore wasn't as much in comparison to the first day of filming. The camera mainly found it difficult to focus when I changed the zoom lengths, however it was only out of focus for a short amount of time whilst it readjusted to the new length.

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