Wednesday 2 November 2016

1/11/16 FOOTAGE

I have started to look properly through all of the footage that I filmed on the first day of production (1/11/16). When I was looking through all of the footage, I was taking note of the specific clips which I thought would be usable for my music video. I have collected all of the footage/clips that I think could be used in my music video and have put them in a compilation so that I can easily reference them when it comes to editing my music video. I also plan to do this for the rest of the days worth of filming.


I also did the same for footage that I deemed unusable. As this day of filming didn't go particularly well for me, I decided to note down the footage that I should make sure that I dont use in the video. The main issues with these clips was the focusing of the camera. Because of the minimal amount of lighting that I used I found that the camera kept going in and out of focus which meant that I could get enough decent footage to use. Also due to the positioning of the strobe light, I couldn't get the whole of the actors face to be coloured; this caused/created shadows on his face which I didn't like the appearance of.

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