Monday 28 November 2016

Digipak Drawing

Isabelle has now completed the drawing for my album front cover. She sent me a picture when it has half finished in order to check that I was happy with the shape and design; which I was. We then arranged to meet up so that she could give it to me. This is a picture of the design:

I am very happy with the outcome of this drawing. It looks just how I envisioned it, I like how the lips have texture because it makes them looks more realistic. I have now scanned this drawing onto my computer, so that I can started editing it on photoshop. On photoshop, I plan to use the colour replacement tool in order to colour the lips in red. I will also probably enhance the colour of the teeth so that they stand out and look more realistic. I will also need to crop the scanned image in order to make sure that the the white background can not be seen on the digipak and will get rid of the marks that were on the paper . I have decided to use a black background for my digipak because it will suit the genre of the album and will also contrast with the colouring of the mouth in order to make it stand out further. 

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