Sunday 13 November 2016


I have started to edit my music video using the software 'Adobe Premier Pro'. As I have never used this software before, it is taking me a little while to get used to it, however I am starting to feel more comfortable with the software. I have edited around 30 seconds of the music video, however there are some blank spaces because I am not sure what to footage to put there yet.

My music video opens with a title page which states the bands name. I have adjusted the font style, colour and size in order to make it reflective of the indie rock genre. I have also used the same style for the next title which comes in shortly after; this title says the name of the song. I wanted to use the same style in order to create consistency and fluency in my music video.

When filming, I decided that I wanted to edit the colour filters on top of my footage during the production process. I have now learnt how to this; I clicked on video effects and then searched for 'Tint'. I then dragged the effect onto the footage, this then enabled me to select a colour of my choice and apply it to the footage. Whilst I plan to experiment with the colours in the music video, I want to make sure that if the same colour reappears in the video that it is exactly the same. Therefore I will make not of the colour name/code when editing so that I can easily do this.

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