Saturday 26 November 2016

Digipak Front Cover Idea

I have decided that I am defiantly going to use an illustration/drawing on the front cover of my digipak. This is because I think it will make the cover stand out when on a shelve and will also allow the target audience to associate a direct image with the album which will make it more familiar to them. I have decided that I want to have a mouth as this illustration, this is because in my music video, I have quite a few close up shots on the actors mouth - this will help to show a clear link between the two products. I have been googling images, of hand drawn/animated mouths in order to get inspiration - this is a collection of them:

From doing this research I have decided that I particularly like how the mouth looks when it is biting the lip. I think that this would be a good illustration to have on my front cover because the pose is quite provocative which links well the the role of the female actor within my music video. I also like the use of the colouring because it gives the mouth more texture and makes it stand out further. Therefore I think that I will edit colour onto the mouth when it has been uploaded to photoshop.

As I am not very good at drawing, I decided to contact my friend Isabelle. Isabelle has always been good at drawing and is now studying art at collage. This means that she has experience in drawing and will be able to meet my request. I messaged isabelle telling her about what I wanted and if she was able to do this for me:


Isabelle has confirmed that she would be able to draw this for me, and will complete it as soon as she can. When I receive a copy of the drawing I will upload it to my blog.

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