Tuesday 25 October 2016

Strobe Light Test Shots

I want to use strobe lighting in my music video because I think that it will suit the pace/speed of the song. Therefore I decided to do some practice shots using a strobe light which I bought. To make the light change colour, I cut some pieces of red, orange, blue and green acetate to the size of the light and used blu-tac to stick it down with. This changed the colour of the strobe light from white to whatever colour was on top of it. I found that only using one piece of acetate didn't give off a strong enough colour payoff, therefore I layered two pieces together to intensify the colour.

I found that using the coloured acetate over the white light was effective in changing the colour and overall I like the effect. I found it quite difficult to get the camera to focus on the actor however due to the lack of lighting in the room. This meant that the majority of the time whilst practicing with this lighting, the actor appears out of focus in the footage. Therefore when it comes to the production process I will need to spend a reasonable amount of time filming with the strobe light to ensure that I have enough footage which is in focus. I will also experiment more with the positioning of the strobe light to ensure that the actor full face is covered by the lighting.

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