Friday 28 October 2016

Social Media Responce: Actor 2 // Potential Costumes

I wanted to gain feedback from my target audience in order to find out what costume was their favourite. I sent each outfit to some people in my target audience and asked them to respond with which one they liked the most and why. I used text messaging as well as whatsapp to get in contact with my target audience. 

These were the replies for the casual outfits:

From this feedback I can see that my target audience all like different outfits for different reasons. However I think that I shall use outfit 3 because of its simplicity which has an edgy look to it. I also think that for what I want to film, it will be the most appropriate costume.

These were the replies for the dressy outfits:

From this feedback I can see that my target audience likes dress number three the most because of its shape and detail. However Im not sure if this dress is my favourite. For now I will plan to use this dress in my music video due to its popularity. But if I come up with a different idea then I shall use that.

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