Tuesday 25 October 2016

Projector Test Shots

I wanted to experiment with different ways in which I could create colour filters over the actor. One of the ways that I thought of was using a projector. Therefore I decided to do some test shots to see how the projector would look and work. I use a projector which was available in my school and set it up to a laptop on which I had created a powerpoint of different colour slides which I wanted to use. The setting up of the projector was straightforward, however when it came to using it on the model things changed. 

I struggled with get the projector at the right angle so that the colours would only be seen on the actor. When I was successful with getting the angle right, it meant that I was unable to change the positioning of the model and the zoom lengths that I was using due to the fact the rest of the screen was being displayed on the background. I also found that the positioning of the projector caused a black shadow to appear on one quarter of the actors face; this made the colour filter lose it purpose. Overall I am not very happy with how the projector worked out. Therefore I shall not be using it in the filming and production process of my music video. 

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