Friday 14 October 2016


The location that I want to use for my music video is in a studio, I have scouted locations which will be easy for both me and my actors to get to. I have found 2 potential locations and decided to visit them to test their suitability for the filming I plan to do. Both of these locations happen to be at the school that I attend, therefore I will know all of the times that I can access these locations and I will also be able to get to them easily. These locations are;

The Drama Studio:
This room is painted black; therefore no light will be reflected from the walls. In addition to this there are also long black curtains which cover the windows in the room; this will block out any natural lighting. The room is also rather spacious, this will allow me to set up all of the equipment and experiment with different angles and viewpoints.

M9 – Media Classroom:
This room has multiple different backgrounds; black, white and green. Therefore I could use this for the background of my music video. This room is also equipped with, professional studio lighting. This will allow me to make sure that I am happy with the lighting in the music video. The main limitation of this room, is that the background is only a certain size/width. Therefore I will not be able to experiment as much with angles when filming in this location. 

Overall I think that these locations will be suitable for the filming of my music video. Depending on the colour background that I want to use, I can go between the locations. Therefore it is likely that I will do the filming for my music video in both of these locations. 

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