Monday 24 October 2016

Social Media Responce: Actor 1 // Potential Costumes

I wanted to gain feedback from my target audience in order to find out what costume they thought would be most appropriate for my music video. I sent each outfit to some people in my target audience and asked them to respond with which one they thought would be the most appropriate and why. I used social media sites such as google hangouts and WhatsApp to get in contact with my target audience as well as text messaging. 

These were the replies:

These responses show that there are mixed opinions within my target audience about which outfit is the most appropriate. However I personally believe that outfit two will be the most appropriate due the simplicity of the outfit. It will also blend in with the colour of the background which I shall be using to film which will make the video look more fluent. I still do think that my target audience will like this decision because the costume is reflective of the indie rock genre.

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