Monday 3 October 2016

Record Label Logo Ideas

I have come up with 5 different designs for my record labels logo. They are all relatively similar in terms of style, however I have experimented with font, colour and shapes. To find fonts that I wanted to use, I went to the website '' which had many different font styles available for free. There were two particular fonts that I liked, these were; 'Lemon Milk' and 'Delirium NCV. Both of these fonts were san serif fonts, this meant that they would be easier for my audience to read in comparison to a serif font. These are the previews of the fonts;

As I couldn't decide which font I preferred, I decided to create logos using both of them. I used Adobe Photoshop to design my logos. I used a variety of tools including, magic wand tool, shape tool, paintbrush tool and the transformation tool. In the end I had 5 different logo designs, these are;

Personally my favourite logo ideas are the ones in the bottom left and the top right. I think that these logos are simple yet effective. They are particularly easy to read and the minimalism of them is somewhat reflective of the indie rock genre. However as I am undecided on what logo I should choose, I am going to send my logo designs to people within my target audience to find out what logo design is their favourite and why. I shall also ask them if they think that it will be appropriate for an independent record label. 

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