Tuesday 25 October 2016

Acetate Test Shots

As I want my music video to be different colours, I thought that I would use coloured acetate to tint the colour of the footage. My original plan was to use the acetate on top of the studio lights, however when I tried this it didn't work out particularly well and the colour pay off was minimal. Therefore I decided to use the acetate in front of my camera lens. I used different colour including; red, orange, green and blue. I used two studio lights either side of the camera in order to light the actor so that the filter would be applied to them. I found that using just one piece of acetate for the green and blue didn't give off much colour. Therefore I decided to layer two pieces on top of each other to increase the intensity of the colour tint; this was effective.

I found that the using the acetate was effective because it tinted the colour of my footage. However there was one slight issue with it. I found that the footage recorded using the red piece of acetate appear particularly grainy whilst the rest of the colour did not. I feel like the grainy footage will look unprofessional and might not be attractive to my target audience. Therefore I am going to try and different method for filming with a red filter. This will either be in the preproduction process or seeing if my camera has a setting which enables me to change the colour.  Another slight issue was that fact I was unable to support the acetate with anything in front of my camera and therefore had to hold it. This become quite tiring and resulted in the paper getting fingerprints on them which was somewhat delectable on the footage. If I continue to use the acetate, I will need to find a solution for this. 


As I was happy with the general outcome of the acetate footage I shall do some filming involving it and see how the footage turns out. If it is too grainy, I shall not use it. 

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