Saturday 7 January 2017

Digipak Fonts

From the first draft of my digipak front cover, I decided that I wasn't the biggest fan of the font that I had used. Whilst this font worked well in my music video, I felt like it didn't look quite right on the front of my digipak. Therefore I decided to use the website '' in order to find some alternative fonts that I could use. I wanted to use a sans serif font because then the font will be vaguely similar to the one used in my music video.
Here are some of the fonts that I found;

'Built Titling': 

I like this font, however I feel like the letter look too boxy; for example the letter 'S'. This puts me off of using this font.


Whilst I like this font, I feel like the two titles look quite different in it. Which would make it appear as if there wasn't much consistency/fluency across the album.


This font is very similar to 'BebasNeue' which is why I like it. However I feel like this font looks more similar for the two titles in comparison to it. Therefore I am more likely to use this font.


Again this font is very similar to the other 2 fonts because they are from the 'bebas' family. Out of all of them, this is the font I like the most. This is because I like the spacing between the letters. Therefore I think that is likely that I will use this font on my digipak.

From researching and finding these fonts, I have decided that I do not want to use the first 2 fonts (BuildTitling and BebasNeue). This is because I dont like them as much a the last two fonts. To help me decide which font to use, I am going to put both onto my digipak and see which one works and looks the best.

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