Thursday 5 January 2017

Digipak Back Cover Images

I have decided that on the back of my digipak, I want to include an image of the female actor who featured in the music video for the single 'Bad Habits'. This will create fluency between the two products. Therefore I went through my footage, in order to find parts of this actress which I thought would work for my digipak. When I found them I screen-shotted them for future use. These were the 3 parts that stood out to me and I decide to screenshot;

Because of the lighting used and the fact that I screen-shooted the images, they come across slightly grainy. However I quite like this effect because I feel like it is reflective of my genre and works well with the 'vibe' I'm going for with my digipak. Because I am unable to decide on which image I want to use on my digipak back cover, I will create drafts involving all of them so that I can get feedback from my target audience on which one they prefer.

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