Tuesday 7 February 2017

Digipak Final Products: Target Audience Feedback

I wanted to find out what my target audience thought of the digipak I created for the album 'Ultraviolet' by The Fossils. I sent them a link to the blog post displaying all of the products and then asked them to tell me what they thought of it and if there was anything in particular that they liked or disliked. These were the responses;

This feedback shows that my target audience generally like the outcome of my digipak. They like the simple style which I used and how I used it consistently throughout the whole of the digipak. In addition to this they like the colour scheme of red, black and white which I also used consistently throughout the digipak. There are only slight improvements that my target audience have recommended to me that I could improve, however overall I am happy with the outcome of the digipak and will not make any further adjustments/alterations to it.

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