Friday, 10 June 2016

Andrew Goodwin's 6 Features of Music Videos

In his book 'Dancing in the Distraction Factory (1992)', Andrew Goodwin point out the features and characteristics that can be identified in music videos. These are;

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics  
 This is when specific music videos show the same characteristics depending on their genre, for  example; aspiration in Hip Hop and R'n'B videos and live stage performance in Rock videos.
There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals - the lyrics are represented with images
 This is when the lyrics to the song are represented within the music video, either by illustration, amplification or contradiction/disjuncture.
There is a relationship between music and the visuals - the tone and atmosphere of the visuals reflects that of the music 
 This is when the relationship between the music and visuals within the video is effected by the tempo and style of the music.
The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style) 
 This is when the music video mainly focuses on the artist performing it in order to help 'sell' them and make the more popular within the industry. It will also reinforce their star image
There is frequently reference to notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body
 This is when everything within the music video is angled towards the artist performing. This is more common with female artists.
There are often intertextual references to other films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc 
 This is when a music video uses the ideas and concepts of other media text and makes references to them. These are often portrayed in pastiche or parody videos.

I believe that whilst Goodwin has made good points about features that can often be found in music videos, I believe that his ideas might be slightly outdated. This is because his book was written in 1992, since then there has been a massive increase in technology which has allowed artists and bands to get more creative and experiment more within their music videos. Therefore they no longer follow all of these characteristics and instead have become more unique and less similar.

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